Traditional Members

Traditional Members of GEMxAPP represent the standard user group on the platform. Traditional Members are able to build a personal profile, post content, join groups, ask questions in the Community Q&A System and join forums. In order to participate in the Play-to-Earn program, and gain access to shopping and crypto-checkout features of the Marketplace Traditional Members must go through an additional identity verification process and become Verified Members.

The Traditional Members will use the GEMxAPP Plant Magic Directory to learn about how to treat their symptoms and conditions using specific cannabis products and healing foods. They will also seek out help from other Members and Guides using the Community Q&A system and the Social Groups and Forums.

All it takes to become a Traditional Member is to fill in our Application form and give us some basic information. We will use this information to perform frictionless identity verification using our Light Know-Your-Customer (KYC) checks through integrations with Acuant. In order to perform the automated checks for our Light KYC, we ask you to provide us with limited Personally Identifying Information (PII) such as First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email Address and City.

Using this data our app talks to the Acuant API, which checks it against their systems, and sends back an approval or a rejection in real time. We perform these ID checks because we are committed to making sure that every user account on the app is an authenticated human member and not a troll, scammer, bot or spammer.

The community will appreciate being able to use a platform without the distractions and frustrations of trolls and the nuisance and dangers of scammers. Members on the app will have confidence in their interactions with others on the platform and will love knowing that we have taken measures to keep out all of the bots.

We are committed to respecting your privacy and personal data and so we have partnered with Meeco a third party personal data management solution. The way the technology works is that any member account data that is deemed to be Personally Identifiable Information is stored primarily in a Data Vault through Meeco. Using distributed ledger technology, our app uses tokens to grant access and read that information. The Vault data and its access are controlled only by you and can be updated or revoked at any time.

Our integrations with Meeco give our Members the assurance that we aren’t harvesting their personal data. It also gives them the added option to revoke or remove it from our systems if at any point in the future they decide to.

Once approved for a Traditional Member account you will be able to choose username and setup a Personal Profile Page, where you can:

  1. Post content
  2. Friend and Follow other accounts and connections
  3. Comment and like others posts
  4. Configure Privacy Settings
  5. Use a Meeco Vault to store, manage and/or revoke any personal data shared with the app
  6. Participate in Groups and Forums
  7. Browse the Marketplace
  8. Create Lists
  9. Add Favorites
  10. Search the Plant Magic Directory
  11. Send Email Invitations to others
  12. Ask questions in the Community Q&A

In order to gain access to premium features such as posting Product and Retail Reviews and participating in the Play-to-Earn (P2E) program, Traditional Members must go through an additional ID verification check process we refer to as “Deep KYC.” This consists of additional ID checks through Acuant: Idology and Doc Verification.

The reason we require Deep KYC to gain Verified Member status is because as a Verified Member we enable you to add your crypto-wallet address into your P2E account and receive crypto-payments from GEMxAPP. We do this to provide 100% assurances to our Brand Advertising partners that any crypto-payments being issued are being sent properly to a legitimate end-consumer. We also do this to ensure quality control over the Reviews found on the app, to prevent the rigging of reviews through multiple throw away dummy accounts.

Verified Members gain access to exclusive features and areas of the platform such as:

  1. Publishing Reviews on Retailers and Products
  2. Participating in P2E opportunities
  3. Becoming Organizers and/or Moderators in Social Groups and Forums
  4. Providing answers in the Community Q&A system.
  5. The ability to apply to become a super user Maximalist Guide
  6. The ability to validate their patient status and gain access to the Cannabis Marketplace and P2E

Verified Members are eligible to apply to become a super user Maximalist Guide. Guides are a specially designated super user group of wellness experts and plant-medicine thought leaders with expanded permissions, benefits, visibility, features and P2E earning opportunities.

Additionally, Verified Members who are also OMMA licensed medical cannabis card holders will have the opportunity to validate their patient status and gain access to restricted features such as the Cannabis P2E Program, shopping and checkout in the Cannabis Marketplace and access to patient only resources such as Private Groups and Forums.

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